5 Strategies for Breaking the Doom Loop Argument (the one that goes round and round)

"We keep having the same fight over and over. How can we make it stop?"

This question, posed to me not long ago, is one I hear all too often. It speaks to a universal relationship struggle: those frustrating, repetitive arguments that seem to have a life of their own.

You know the drill. It starts with something seemingly small – the dishes left in the sink, a forgotten anniversary, a difference in parenting styles – and escalates into a familiar, draining battle. You both know the script by heart, the same lines, the same hurt feelings. It leaves you feeling stuck, unheard, and wondering if you’re doomed to repeat this pattern forever.
But here’s the truth: you’re not.

These recurring fights, while common, are not inevitable. Just as we can learn new habits and rewire our brains, we can also rewire our communication patterns and break free from these destructive cycles.

Imagine for a moment:

  • If you could wave a magic wand and erase that one recurring argument from your relationship, what would change?

  • What new possibilities would open up?

  • Would you rediscover laughter and joy?

  • Pursue shared dreams?

  • Simply enjoy the peace of a conflict-free evening?

Hold onto that vision. It's the fuel that will drive you to create real change.

Couple in a valley with mountains

Now, let's explore some practical strategies to transform those recurring fights into opportunities for connection and growth:

  1. The Power of Perspective: Choosing What Matters: As Viktor Frankl stated, 'Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom'. Instead of getting caught in familiar conflicts, we can use this space to decide if engaging is truly serving us. Sometimes, choosing to focus on what is truly important means letting go of the less significant battles.

  2. Unearthing the Roots: Digging Deeper: Often, surface-level arguments are symptoms of deeper, unmet needs. Are you feeling unappreciated, unheard, or insecure? Is there a power imbalance or a lack of trust? These underlying issues are the real fuel for the fire. If you’re struggling to identify these root causes on your own, consider seeking the support of a couples therapist. They can provide a safe and neutral space to explore these sensitive dynamics.

  3. Strategic Scheduling: Ring-Fencing Conflict: This might sound counterintuitive, but scheduling a specific time to discuss recurring issues can be surprisingly effective. By containing the conflict to a designated time and place, you reduce the likelihood of it spilling over into other areas of your relationship. You might find that the urge to argue diminishes when it’s not constantly top of mind.

  4. Finding the Middle Ground: Exploring the Gray Areas: When emotions are high, we tend to see things in black and white. But relationships are rarely that simple. After taking a 20-minute cooling-off period, try brainstorming at least five potential solutions or compromises together. This exercise encourages creative problem-solving and helps you discover common ground. You can grab my Conflict Rescue Pack for phrases that help to de-escalate or stop conflict.

  5. Empathy in Action: The Debating Game: This is a powerful way to cultivate understanding. When you’re both calm, revisit the recurring argument, but with a twist: each of you argues from the other person’s perspective. Stepping into your partner's shoes fosters empathy and can reveal new ways of seeing the situation. I love doing this one with couples in my therapy practice.

Breaking free from recurring arguments takes conscious effort and a willingness to try new approaches. But the rewards—greater connection, deeper understanding, and more peace in your relationship—are well worth it.


P.S I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic! Have you experienced recurring arguments in your own relationships? What strategies have worked for you? Join the conversation on Instagram/Facebook/TikTok


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