Contact us
Petersfield office
Address: Cedar Court, College Street, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU31 4AE. United Kingdom.
Directions to the office
From the A3
Take the exit for the A272 signed for Winchester, Alton and Petersfield Industrial Estate. Head wast down Winchester Road towards the train station. At the roundabout turn right onto Station Road. After the level crossing bear right on the B2070 towards the town centre.
Continue following the B2070 and bear right. As the road joins College street Cedar Court is the first building on your right.
Parking in Central Car Park
From the B2070 and the Cedar Court offices turn left onto Barham Road and then turn left at the end onto Winton Road. You will see Central Car Park ahead.
Locating the Therapy Space
The entrance to Cedar Court is on the right of the building. Naomi Light’s office is on the ground floor and access is via a buzzer system.
Cedar Court is marked as ‘B’ on the map.
Petersfield station is marked as ‘A’. Central Car Park is marked as ‘A’.