The One Principle That Will Gain You Back Control Of Your Time
“Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determine how that coin will be spent. Be careful that you do not let other people spend it for you.”
Do you have the feeling that time is running away from you? Do you wonder where all the time went at the end of a week/month/year? Do you get exasperated that for all your business important things are not getting done?
I did too. Then I realised an important principle about time. Before I tell you the principle let me share this with you about my life. Gaining back control of my time has been a liberating experience. I give time to fewer things but have more satisfaction with my time. I live slower and spend more time resting. The internal motor of my anxiety that drove me forward is finally stopping. I have a richer life and I am more healthy.
But it did come at a cost. I had to be prepared, to be honest about what was driving me. I didn’t like what I found. Having found out what was really going on in my inner world I had to commit to change it and keep committing to the change. It didn’t come easily. To begin gaining back control of your time repeat this affirmation to yourself three times (out loud if possible): I am willing to be really honest with myself.
Now, the principle: “Time is like water. It flows to the deepest place”.
Without you trying your time will take a course towards the needs you feel the most deeply. These are needs you feel at a gut or a subconscious level. These may not be the needs you believe are important to you. Your level of frustration will show how different your conscious needs are to your deep needs. i.e the more frustration you feel the more disparity there is. Psychologists call this cognitive dissonance.
If being pleasing to others is a deeply felt need, then your time will flow towards keeping others happy. If being right is a deeply held need, then your time will flow towards getting things right.
A good question to ask yourself is, “How do I spend my time?” I am asking myself that question this month. I am using the Hours app to track my time so, by the end of the month, I will find out what I really dedicate my time to and, by the same measure, what are my most deeply felt needs.
I hope you get a fresh perspective on your time and are able to do even more amazing things with it,
Be prepared, to be honest with yourself about how you use your time. Use the affirmation: “I am willing to be really honest with myself” to open up your subconscious.
Use the principle of time being like water.
Take an audit of your time to begin to understand what those deep places are in your life.
Align your beliefs with your deep needs and gain back control of your time.
Walking in the countryside has been part of me taking back control of my time. I like to stand on the bridge and watch water flow underneath me.