10 Affirmations For A Body Positive Life
I’m a size 12 with tiny boobs and a tendency to hold fat on my hips making me look bottom heavy. I am restricting my eating at the moment (5:2 diet) to shift some weight. I am often told by well-meaning friends “you don’t need to lose weight, there is nothing of you”. This has the effect of making me feel bad about wanting to be a different shape. On top of feeling bad for carrying more weight than I would like. It’s complex. The more media articles and health adverts I see the more complex it gets.
Me being brave in a photo that features my belly!
If I am honest, I have a body shape obsession. Which if you think about it is a really weird obsession to have. What does it matter what shape my body is? Isn’t having a healthy body that enables a fulfilling life the important thing? My body is healthy, has borne three children and enables a wonderful life for me. What is not to love?
I hate that I think about the shape of my body every day. But I have decided to turn the many thinking cues I get for body image into cues to express love and affection for myself. I have some mantras that counteract the incessant messaging about the idealised body that I get every day. I meditate, say body affirmations in front of the mirror and practice mindful eating and movement. It is working. One thought at a time I am changing my shape obsession into a self-affirmation obsession. I just love the way I feel when I like my body and accept my shape.
10 Affirmations
Here are 10 affirmations that I have found particularly powerful for body acceptance. Say these as though you were talking to your body while looking at your full image in a mirror:
Thank you body, for the life you enable by being healthy and strong (name specific healthy and strong parts of your body)
Thank you body, for the memories I have created of a life well-lived (name specific positive memories you have)
Thank you body for the promise of a good future of life and health (name specific goals you have for your future)
I am sorry I have not loved and accepted you as well as I would have liked
I am committing to good practices that bring health and strength to you
I am learning to like living in this body (name specific physical features that you appreciate about your body)
Body, you are worthy of my love right now
You do not need to change in order to be more worthy of my love
I choose acceptance and love, especially when it feels hard to love you (add affirming touch of your body here. Put your hand over your heart, stroke your belly, rub your forearms)
I resist all forms of body shaming, body hatred and rejection. I am getting better at loving you all the time.
I’d love to hear from you if you have a story about body acceptance to share.